Islamic  Monetary and International Trade Research in Indonesia : Islam and Global Economic Challenges in the World’s Most Populous Muslim Country

Indonesia has an important role for the Islamic economy because of its large Muslim population. Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. About 87% of Indonesia’s total population is Muslim. The presence of this large Muslim population creates a large market potential for Islamic economic-based products and services, including Islamic banking, Islamic insurance, Islamic investment, and other halal products. With a large Muslim population, Indonesia is a potential market for products and services that comply with Islamic economic principles. Islamic economics includes aspects such as fair buying and selling, avoiding usury (interest), promoting social justice, and prohibiting investment in sectors that are forbidden by Islam, such as alcohol and gambling. In Indonesia, the Islamic finance industry has experienced rapid growth over the past few years. Islamic banks, non-Islamic non-bank financial institutions and other sharia-based financial products are increasingly popular and attracting public interest. This growth has had a positive impact on the country’s economy and opened up attractive investment opportunities. The Islamic economy contributes to the Indonesian national economy through various sectors, including banking, insurance, capital markets, halal tourism, and the halal food and beverage industry. This contribution helps drive overall economic growth and creates jobs for residents. With the large market size of the Islamic economy and its rapid growth, Indonesia has the potential to become a regional center for Islamic finance. This position can strengthen Indonesia’s role in providing sharia financial services to neighboring countries and make a positive contribution to the sharia-based global economy and finance. However, it is important to note that Indonesia’s success and role in the Islamic economy also depends on the efforts of the government and industry players in developing an Islamic economy that is competitive, has integrity, and is committed to the principles of Islamic economics. Thus, Indonesia can continue to be a key player in the Islamic economy regionally and globally. Based on these reasons, this chapter book was published to answer challenges related to Islamic economics and international trade in Indonesia

Editor In Chief : Dr. Dra. Sebastiana Viphindrartin, M.Kes, Dr. Zainuri, M.Si (Indonesia)

Copy editor :  Imam Suryono, SE. MM (Indonesia), Suryaning Bawono.S.E.M.Si (Indonesia)

Guest editor : Dr. Sri Harnani (Indonesia),Lina Damayanti, SE. MM (Indonesia), Muhamad Mukhlis, SE. MM (Indonesia), Sri Dwiningsih, SE., MM

Issue DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol6No1August2023

Table Of Contents

The Effectiveness of Export and Import Activities on Post-Covid-19 Economic Growth in Indonesia  1

Nabil Maulana Abrori, Permata Ainissalsabil Dimulyo, Muhammad Rizky Salsabil

DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol6No1August2023001

Analysis of Exports and Imports’ Effects on Economic Growth in Post-COVID-19 Indonesia. 13

Arin Jannah Dinonasih, Berliana Maharis Arrishala, Devi Raudoh Indartia Siswey,   Ilmi Atika, Maufirah Aulia Safrina, Neta Sari Anggraini

DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol6No1August2023002

The Effect of Fluctuations in Food Commodity Prices in the Month of Ramadan on Inflation in Indonesia  23

Feby Ayu Permatasari, Kintan Kemala Utami, Yasmin Dibah Az-Zahra

DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol6No1August2023003

The Influence of Political Stability on Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product 31

Fadhlurahman Labib, Sofyan Adi Lila

DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol6No1August2023004

Analysis Of The Influence Of Workers’ Decisions To Do Commuter Migration: Literature Study  36

Isnawati Nur Mafuah, Vebry Eka Kusumawardhani, Shelyana Agustin

DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol6No1August2023005

The Influence of Inflation, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates on the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia. 43

Ariafudin Kusuma Novandi, Muh. Fazrul Falah

DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol6No1August2023006

Analysis of Factors Affecting International Trade on Economic Growth in Indonesia. 49

Muhammad Fiqri Pratama, Rangga Anugrah Alifrianto, Alfin Khoirun Niam, Tiara Mardhatillah, Ratna Yuliawati, Erien Dwi Wahyu

DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol6No1August2023007

The Impact of ROA, ROE, and EPS on Indonesian Financial Sector Companies’ Stock Prices  56

Muhammad didik Budianto, Indria Agustina, Sohibatul Ilmiyah, Devi Mariska

DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol6No1August2023008

International Trade in the Era of Globalization. 65

Septiani Widyanig Tyas, Gabrielle Febbi Valentya, Muhammad Fajar Aditama, Lailia Amira Nidaul Husna

DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol6No1August2023009