Today’s international economy is full of uncertainty and challenges. The year 2020 is a time full of challenges for the world economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic that disrupts the world economy. Currently, in 2022, the world is struggling in post-covid 19 economic recoveries. The international economy has also been shocked by the Russo-Ukrainian war that is increasingly being felt in the global economy. Today’s economy is very challenging, from pandemics, crises, wars, and environmental problems to the challenges the world must face. This chapter book is in the form of thematic research related to Global Economic Challenges, Pandemics, Crises, War, and Sustainability Issues focusing on the Asian continent.
Editor In Chief : Dr. Zainuri, M.Si (Indonesia)
Copy editor : Dr. Anifatul Hanim, M.Si (Indonesia), Suryaning Bawono.S.E.M.Si (Indonesia)
Guest editor : Lina Damayanti, SE. MM.(Indonesia), Muhamad Mukhlis, SE. MM (Indonesia)
Table Of Contents
The Effects Energy Consumption, Export, GDP, and Import on Indonesia’s Emission of CO2
Pages: 1-16
Oky Lestari
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022001
The Impact Of Monetary Policy On Indonesian Bank Loans
Pages: 17-26
Zakina Rulinda Hijjas, Rini Agustiya
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022002
Impact Of Export Quantity, Oil Production And Tax Revenue On GDP Growth In Russia
Pages: 27 – 38
Muhammad Khairun Ikhsan, Mochammad Cholil
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022003
Analysis of Factors Affecting Economic Growth in Indonesia
Pages: 39-51
Eka Erina Putri, Mukarromatul Azizatun Naimah
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022004
Effects of International Trade on Global Food Security and Energy Use
Pages: 52-62
Dwi Nur Farida, Miftahul Jannah
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022005
The Influence Of Technology And Government Policies On China’s Supply Chain Activities
Pages: 63-72
Fitri Rimadhanti Nur Amalia, Nur Isnaini
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022006
The Effect Of The Financial Crisis On Export Competitiveness In Indonesia
Pages: 73-81
Shanti Fitria
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022007
Testing Hecksher Ohlin Theory: Evidence From Singapore In 1991-2016
Pages: 82-96
Firlana Annisa’ Fajrin, Wahyu Dwi Nur Hidayatullah
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022008
Import Tariffs to Reduce the Use and Consumption of Fossil Energy in Indonesia
Pages: 97-106
Mauvirah Dwi Sholeha
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022009
Pages: 107-120
Muhammad Rama Ma’rufin, Muhammad Ikrom Alfareza
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022010
Will the US-China Trade War’s Abnormal Returns From China Have an Effect on the Chinese Economy?
Pages: 121-129
Anggun Astri Anggraini, Devi Lidia
DOI : 10.54204/AEBD/Vol5No1October2022011
Impact Of International Trade On Indonesia’s Consume Of Renewable Energy
Pages: 130-139
Nur Lailatul Amaliyah, Arifatul Inayah, Wempi Aprilla Maulanasyah Para Wibangga