
Red Island Sunset in Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia, Photo by Suryaning Bawono

ASIA Economic and Business Development is a periodical publication that contains studies and research related to economics, business, and management in various countries in ASIA. Published regularly and internationally in more than 100 countries on 5 continents (ASIA, EUROPE, AMERICA, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA).

Published by PT. Frost Yunior (Indonesian Limited Company) internationally through the Triple Nine Communication (Singapore) network and in collaboration with the College of Economics STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang, Indonesia

Peer review policy

All submissions to ASIAN Economic and Business Development are first reviewed for completeness and only then sent to be assessed by an Editor who will decide whether they are suitable for peer review. Where an Editor is on the author list or has any other competing interest regarding a specific manuscript, another member of the Editorial Board will be assigned to oversee the peer review. Editors will consider the peer-reviewed reports when making a decision but are not bound by the opinions or recommendations therein. A concern raised by a single peer reviewer or the Editor themself may result in the manuscript being rejected. Authors receive peer review reports with the editorial decision on their manuscript.

This journal uses Editorial review, Double-Blind peer review.

Author Fees

We are committed to never imposing costs on the author beyond the cost of making the manuscript which is reasonable for the author, such as translation fees, paraphrasing, research costs, and so on. And these costs are incurred by the author while in the process of developing this journal and research.

Plagiarism Policy

All the manuscripts will be subjected to pre-screening of plagiarism check by using Turnitin Software. The screening process will be conducted by Editor once the manuscript is received. 

Papers must be original, unpublished, and not pending publication elsewhere. Any material taken verbatim from another source needs to be clearly identified as different from the present original text by (1) indentation, (2) use of quotation marks, and (3) identification of the source.

Any text of an amount exceeding fair use standards (herein defined as more than two or three sentences or the equivalent thereof) or any graphic material reproduced from another source requires permission from the copyright holder and, if feasible, the original author(s) and also requires identification of the source; e.g., previous publication.

When plagiarism is identified, the Editor in Chief is responsible for the review of this paper and will agree on measures according to the extent of plagiarism detected in the paper in agreement with the following guidelines:

Level of Plagiarism

  1. Minor :

A short section of another article is plagiarized without any significant data or idea taken from the other paper

Action: A warning is given to the authors and a request to change the text and properly cite the original article is made

  1. Intermediate: A significant portion of a paper is plagiarized without proper citation to the original paper

Action: The submitted article is rejected and the authors are forbidden to submit further articles for one year

  1. Severe: A significant portion of a paper is plagiarized that involves reproducing original results or ideas presented in another publication

Action: The paper is rejected and the authors are forbidden to submit further articles for five years.

Aims & Scope

ASIAN Economics and Business Development aim to be the premier international journal for the publication of high-quality original papers in the branch of Business and economics.

Papers showing how research results can be used in Business and economic design, reports on experimental or theoretical research work that brings new perspectives to established principles, highlight unsolved problems, or indicate directions for future research, are highly welcome.

This journal publishes regular special editions focusing on specific topics, scientific open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and comprehensive reference journals focusing on theories, methods, and applications in Business and Economics.

This journal covers all areas of Business and economics, publishing referenced original research articles and technical notes. The journal reviews papers within about two months of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet and printed papers on a monthly basis.

Due to technical constraints, there may be delays in publishing, but journals are still published with a careful and optimal journal production process. To anticipate delays in issuance due to technical problems.

We receive hundreds of journals every month so it takes a long process to sort and review about 2 to 3 months. To overcome this, we collaborate with universities or educational institutions that have enough researchers and are willing to become reviewers to review the journals we receive.