Warm greetings to the readers of ASIA Economic and Business Development.
I’m Dr. Eny Lestari Widarni as Chief Editor expressed pleasure and pride for the hard work of all parties who have helped in the publication of the July 2021 edition of ASIA Economic and Business Development.
In this edition, we only publish the 3 best works of academics from STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa and the University of Jember. Even though we only received 3 works, we would like to express our high appreciation for the contributors whose works we have not been able to accept because they do not meet our standards and criteria. Hopefully, our 3 best contributors can provide benefits to readers
Happy reading and we look forward to contributing thoughts and ideas from readers and contributors from around the world.
Editor in chief
Dr. Eny Lestari Widarni
Table Of Contents
1. Human Capital and Agriculture Performance in Indonesia
Author : Eny Lestari Widarni
Link: https://tripleninecommunication.com/journal/AEBD/2021/July/1.pdf
2. The Impact of Money Demand Motivation on Money Supply
Author : Arin Jannah Dinonasih
Link: https://tripleninecommunication.com/journal/AEBD/2021/July/2.pdf
3. Classical Economic Theory Testing on Economic Challenges in
India Using Vector Analysis Method
Author: Clarissa Esline Adirosa
Link: https://tripleninecommunication.com/journal/AEBD/2021/July/3.pdf