Best regards to the readers of ASIAN Economic and Business Development.
I am Dr. Eny Lestari Widarni as the Chief Editor expressed his pleasure and pride for the hard work of all parties who helped publish the May 2021 edition of ASIAN Economic and Business Development.
In this edition, we publish 22 of the best works of academics from STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa which discuss business and economic development in the Asian region through the perspectives of human resource management and financial management. We hope that this inaugural issue will contribute to the development of knowledge and decision-making, both policy and business decisions in the Asian region.
Enjoy reading and we look forward to the contributions of thoughts and ideas from readers and contributors from around the world.
Best Regards
Editor in chief
Dr. Eny Lestari Widarni
Table of Contents
The Impact of Net Exports, Technological Investment, Non-Financial Asset Investment, Infrastructure Investment, and Consumption on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Andre Harlis Prasetyo, Eny Lestari Widarni 1
The Impact of Investment, Consumption, Government Spending and Net Exports on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Komarudin, Ema Sulisnaningrum 6
The Role of Technology Investment, Business Sector Investment, Government Investment in Public Goods and Consumption in Efforts to Improve Population Welfare in Indonesia
Moh.Arif Budi Susetyo, Eny Lestari Widarni 10
Investment in Technology and Investment in Public Goods in Encouraging Public Consumption and Net Trade Balance in Efforts to Increase Population Income in Indonesia
Narto,Bambang Hadi Prabowo 15
The role of technology investment, business sector investment, public goods investment in driving net exports and economic growth in Indonesia
R.Hadi Martasundjaya, Sri Harnani 19
Investment in Technology Development and Investment in the Business Sector in Enhancing Economic Growth, Inclusion of Domestic and Export Markets
Rizal Trisna Wijaya, Ema Sulisnaningrum 23
Investment in the Business Sector and Subsidies in stimulating Indonesian Consumption and Economic Growth
Saiful Rizal,Budi Sasongko 27
Development of Economic Technology and Infrastructure in Stimulating Consumption and Economic Growth
Slamet Herman Subagyo, Ema Sulisnaningrum 31
The Role of Technology and Infrastructure in Driving Net Exports and Economic Growth
Wawan Agung Heni Atutin,Eny Lestari Widarni 35
The Role of Technology and Investment in the Business Sector in Driving Net Exports and Economic Growth
Yazid Arifin, Bambang Hadi Prabowo 39
The Role of Government Subsidies in Increasing Consumption and Economic Growth in Efforts to Reduce Poverty in Indonesia
Yusi Okta Rama, Sri Harnani 44
Diversification of Bank Profitability and Bankruptcy Risk in ASIA
Jatmika Yudha Utama, Budi Sasongko 49
Government Subsidies, Consumption and Economic Growth in Indonesia
Didit Aditya Herdiatna, Ema Sulisnaningrum 55
The Role of Technology Development and Economic Infrastructure in the Development Efforts of the Welfare of the Indonesian People
Hasan Mustofa, Ema Sulisnaningrum 59
Technology Development, Net Exports and National Productivity
Sujarwo Adi, Ema Sulisnaningrum 63
Analysis of Solow Growth Model in Sharia Hotel Industry In Pandemic Era, Case Study: Indonesia and Malaysia
Aries Sudarmawan, Sri Harnani 67
Public Health Services and Technology Inclusion in Poverty Alleviation and People’s Economic Independence
Yolanda Herminawati, Abdul Malik 85
The Impact of the Corona Virus Pandemic on the Macro Economy and the Tourism Industry in the Digital Age
Dian Arief Rahman Yusuf, Ema Sulisnaningrum 89
The Potential of The Hotel Industry In Pandemic Era Based On Finance Performance Point Of View, Case Study: Indonesia
Anton Effendi, Bambang Hadi Prabowo 113
The Role of Education and Technology Adaptation in Poverty Reduction in Indonesia
Novi Firmawati, Budi Sasongko 126
The Role of Human Capital Investment on Human Resources Performance in Indonesia
Sri Rahayu, Cahya Budhi Irawan 130
The Role of Human Capital Investment in Poverty Alleviation and Improvement of Indonesian Human Performance in Dignified Economic Independence
Nur Sholeh Hidayat, Eddy Priyanto 134